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Corner Drove, Ware restricted byway

Corner Drove at Cuckold's Corner

Corner Drove at junction with Ware Road, Cuckold's Corner © N Chadwick (cc-by-sa/2.0)

This application on behalf of the British Horse Society was made to Kent County Council under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 on 19 January 2019 to record a restricted byway along Corner Drove, from Cuckold's Corner on Ware Road, north to the south side of the bridge on footpath EE65 over the drain parallel to the River Stour on Ash Level, in the parish of Ash.

Download the application revised historical document analysis (37MB), v.1.2.

Status: application made on 19 January 2019, acknowledged by Kent County Council on 23 January 2019, and recorded in its register of applications as claim PROW/DO/C413; under review in 2023.

Determined to grant application on 18 April 2024; order to follow.

Page last updated: 24 April 2024

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