Little Twitham Farm cottage on Pettocks Lane
This application was made to Kent County Council under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 on 19 March 2017 to modify the definitive map and statement for the county of Kent to record a part-byway open to all traffic (BOAT) and a part-bridleway along Pettock's Lane and Twitham Lane, from Staple Road south, east and then south again to join with the junction of public bridleways EE269A and EE28 on Twitham Hill west of Crixhall Court. The BOAT extends along Pettock's Lane from Staple Road as far as Twitham Farm cottage, and the bridleway along Twitham Lane from there to Twitham Hill.
Download the updated application document analysis (37MB); reduced file size (6MB), v.1.23.
Status: application made on 19 March 2017, acknowledged by Kent County Council on 3 April 2017, and recorded in its register of applications under reference PROW/DO/C391
Determined to grant application on 29 June 2022; order made to record as BOAT and restricted byway on 22 July 2022, closed to objection on 10 October 2022.
Statement of case (47 MB) (reduced file size 9.5 MB) lodged on behalf of the British Horse Society on 3 October 2023 in support of confirmation of the order. Further comments in response to the objector's statement of case.
Interim decision to modify order to record a bridleway throughout. Statement of case (2MB) in objection to proposed modification.
Page last updated: 29 November 2024