Roman Road south from Willow Road
This application on behalf of the British Horse Society was made to Kent County Council under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 on 25 November 2016 to modify the definitive map and statement for the county of Kent to record as a restricted byway part of Roman Road from the turn in Roman Road north to the junction with Willow Road, in the parish of Sutton near Ripple, Kent.
Download the application document analysis (10MB); reduced file size (2MB), v.1.2.
Status: application made on 25 November 2016, acknowledged by Kent County Council on 13 December 2016, and recorded in its register of applications under reference PROW/DO/C384.
Determined to grant application on 25 August 2020; order made to record as bridleway on 1 October 2020, closed to objection on 24 December 2020, confirmed on 29 December 2020. Recorded in the definitive map and statement as restricted byway EE492 (there are two byways with this code).
Page last updated: 25 November 2021