Park Lane, Bishopsbourne, above the Elham Valley railway
This application on behalf of the British Horse Society was made to Kent County Council under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 on 6 August 2018 to upgrade to bridleway a footpath along part of Park Lane (off The Street), Bishopsbourne, and along the continuation of Park Lane from Crows Camp Road adjacent to Bishopsbourne station bridge, to Pheasants Hall on Pheasants Hall Road. The way is currently recorded as public footpaths CB295 (part), CB289 and CB291. The two parts of the way identified in the application are separate, and no new way is sought across the former Elham Valley railway line.
Download the application document analysis (17MB); reduced file size (2MB), v.1.11.
Status: application made on 6 August 2018, acknowledged by Kent County Council on 14 August 2018, and recorded in its register of applications as claim 407; under review in 2022-23.
Determined to grant application on 30 March 2023; order made to record as bridleway on 11 April 2023, closed to objection on 16 June 2023.
Order confirmed by Kent County Council on 26 June 2023. Application way recorded on definitive map and statement as bridleways CB289/CB291/CB295 (part).
Page last updated: 12 July 2023