The line of the claimed bridleway follows the former waste among the trees on the right. Footpath HE245 is immediately ahead.
This application on behalf of the British Horse Society was made to Kent County Council under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 on 19 August 2020 in relation to a part byway open to all traffic and part bridleway, between Etchinghill and Newington, generally (but not wholly) along the line of footpath HE245, in the parish of Newington.
Download the application document analysis (19.5MB), reduced file size (2MB), v.1.0.
Status: application made on 19 August 2020, acknowledged by Kent County Council on 26 August 2020, and recorded in its register of applications as claim PROW/F&H/C457; likely to be reviewed in 2024.
Page last updated: 26 August 2020