This application on behalf of the British Horse Society was made to Kent County Council under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 on 12 April 2015 to modify the definitive map and statement for the county of Kent by adding a restricted byway known as Black Lane between Knowlton church and Betteshanger. Definitive map modification orders were made by the council on 7 February 2019, and confirmed by the Secretary of State on 16 September 2020.
Download the application document analysis (82MB); reduced file size (7MB), v.1.7.
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Status: application made on 12 April 2015, acknowledged by Kent on 22 April 2015 and recorded in its register of applications under reference PROW/DO/C367.
Determined to grant application on 22 January 2019; orders made to record as bridleway on 7 February 2019, closed to objection on 12 April 2019.
Objection (10 MB) (reduced file size 1MB) lodged on behalf of the British Horse Society on 12 April 2019, seeking modification of the order alignment.
In the light of objections from third parties, the orders were referred to the Secretary of State for confirmation, under reference ROW/3237045.
Statement of case (114 MB) (reduced file size 10 MB) lodged on behalf of the British Horse Society on 5 April 2020 in support of confirmation of the order.
Comments on objector's case (14 MB) (reduced file size 1.5 MB) lodged on behalf of the British Horse Society on 8 June 2020 in support of confirmation of the order.
Orders confirmed by Secretary of State in a decision dated 16 September 2020 and order map. Black Lane added to definitive map and statement as bridleway EE488.
Page last updated: 11 January 2024